The Naches is a dynamic river that flows through a valley bottom highly modified by human activity. Floodplain gravel pits, levees, water diversion weirs, revetments, and bridge abutments alter natural geomorphic processes in the river. In some places, these restrict channel migration and cause incision, resulting in compromised habitat value, while in others they cause aggradation and lateral instability, leading to exacerbated erosion hazards. NHC evaluated the hydraulic, geomorphic, and sediment transport characteristics along 18 miles of the lower Naches River in support of the County’s efforts to restore river-scale geomorphic processes. We completed field investigations and developed and validated a sediment transport model of the reach. Results of the analysis were presented in both a traditional project report and large-format Geomorphic Atlas designed to facilitate understanding and engagement from a diverse set of stakeholders. Project results have been instrumental in helping the County plan levee setback projects along the river and obtain funding from Floodplains by Design.