Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Asian Development Bank)
International Water Resource Management
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Asian Development Bank)
International Water Resource Management
As part of the Project Preparation Technical Assistance (PPTA) for the Water Efficiency Improvement in Drought Affected Provinces (WEIDAP) project, engineering designs were prepared to feasibility level by national consultants. NHC provided an irrigation specialist to work with a national counterpart, the PPTA team, and national firms to review and improve the designs and feasibility documents, incorporating climate change responsive measures. Technical, institutional, and capacity building recommendations were made ensuring a strong participatory approach in the design of the schemes. This included a review of the feasibility studies for eight irrigation subprojects with a technical focus for further modernization in view of increasing climate variability. Recommendations adopted included pressure–pipe systems with improved flow control and measurement mechanisms, direct pumping from main/secondary canals as well as reservoirs, and consideration of charging system options including pre-paid metering.