BC Hydro and Power Authority
Peace River, British Columbia
Aquatic Habitat Design and Restoration
BC Hydro and Power Authority
Peace River, British Columbia
Aquatic Habitat Design and Restoration
The Site C hydroelectric dam will cause downstream water level changes that increase the risk of fish stranding. NHC redesigned the morphology of the two largest side channels immediately below Site C to reduce dewatering while maintaining main channel connectivity under all Site C operational flow scenarios. This was accomplished by infilling or opening inactive side channels, deepening shallower lateral and point bars below the low water surface elevation, and filling unvegetated areas on banks and islands to expose surfaces above the high water level and promote vegetation growth. The designs were developed using TELEMAC-2D to evaluate performance in minimizing dewatering, as well as morphodynamic modelling to investigate long-term channel performance. Construction drawings, specifications, and quantity take-offs were developed for construction. Construction budgets were developed and reviewed with BC Hydro for project costing and tender evaluation with First Nation Constructors.